Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Souffle Cheesecake

Salam hujung minggu buat semua pengunjung...semoga sihat dan ceria selalu!...

Minggu ni dah dua kali buat kek. Satu kek coklat tanpa telur dan malam tadi buat cheesecake pulak. Rajin tu taklah sgt. Sebenarnya kedua2 kek ni taklah sesusah mana pun nak prepare especially yg eggless tu ler. O yer, sebelum tu, tadi terskodeng umah kak CT tp x sempat tinggalkan jejak. Line slow sket..hehe. Anyway, nak say tq to Kak CT krn sudi cuba resepi kek coklat tu...menawan sungguh!...i likeeeee!!... ;) 

Berbalik cerita tentang kek ni...malam td plan nak buat chilled cheesecake jer. Tapi banyak benda gak tak cukup. Maka, tuan rumah pun buatlah kek yg tak masuk list ni. Ni lah kejadiannya...tak cukup bahan gak tu. Adjust sana adjust sini tapi method tetap ikut. Alhamdulillah...berjaya akhirnya....rasa kek ni mmg sedap dan lembut sgt2!... lebih kurang sama dgn resepi dari dapur alma myr, kalau tak silaplah. Siapa2 yg pernah cuba resepi tu, mesti tau mcm mana rasa dan tekstur kek ni kan...hehe. Dyg dpt resepi ni dari  blog Lily's Wai Sek Hong. Saja2 nak cuba walaupun terpaksa adjust bahan2nya mengikut stok sb lepas ni mungkin nak stop mem'baking' ler kot...utk sementara waktu ni jer...dyg nak bercuti dr ber'blogging starting next week sehinggalah dah habis cuti nanti...jadi, walaupun dyg tak ada, dapur tak berasap, namun, blog ini sentiasa open 24 jam. Singgah2lah selalu yer....tq.

Jom layan resepi sedap ni!

Souffle Cheesecake 
Source : Lily's Wai Sek Hong


8" round cake tin

  • Plain cream cheese 225g
  • fresh cream 50ml (DJ guna whipping cream 100 ml)
  • milk 100ml (DJ guna 50 ml)
  • butter 80g
  • Cornflour 25g (DJ add tepung gandum 5g)
  • milk 30ml
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp (tak letak)

  • Egg white 150g (DJ guna 4 biji putih telur gred A)
  • cornflour 10g (tak letak)
  • sugar 100g (DJ guna gula castor)

  • Egg yolks 138g (DJ guna 4 biji kuning telur gred A)
butter and plain flour (for buttering the mould)
  1. Melt A over a pan of simmering water until the mixture liquefies (stir every 3 minutes), use spatula to stir the mixture well.
  2. Mix B. until cornflour dissolves and pours into 1, stir until well-combined. Add in beaten yolks and strain the mixture.
  3. Preheat oven to 150°C/300°F. Line bottom of mould with baking parchment paper. Butter the sides of the mould and coat it with plain flour, remove excess flour. If using loose bottom cake tin, cover the outside of the tin with 2 layers of aluminium foil.
  4. In a clean bowl (make sure oil less and waterless), beat the egg whites till foamy and add in sugar and cornflour in 3 batches and beat until soft peak.
  5. Take 1/3 egg white and stir into the cream cheese mixture to loosen the batter. Pour the remaining egg whites and using cut and fold method quickly fold in the egg whites, do not over fold or else the air in the egg whites will escape.
  6. Pour batter into cake tin. Sit the tin in a bigger mould or baking tray. Bake in a bain-marie (water-bath). Water must be boiling hot when poured into the baking tray or bigger mould. Water level should come up to ¾ of the height of the cake tin, at least half if you cannot manage ¾.
  7. Put in oven and bake for about 25 minutes or when top is brown, reduce the heat to 125°C/260°F, continue to bake for another 1 hour or until a cake skewer comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the cake tin and remove from tin when cooled and refrigerate (it’s ok to leave the cake in the tin and refrigerate).